
Tyron Mapu is a community interest company (CIC) that guides the implementation of the Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Protocol through the Tyron SSI DAO. But what exactly is this protocol, and how does it relate to Tyron Mapu? We explain below.

The SSI Protocol is based on the W3C Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) standard and Account Abstraction (AA) with blockchain technologies. The DAO is implementing this protocol through user-owned Tyron SSI accounts, also known as decentralised identities. These accounts consist of smart-contract wallets called XWallets, which offer various functionalities for interacting with each other and Decentralised Finance (DeFi). This software technology creates a secure environment and allows users to control their data independently from centralised entities like banks or states. The Tyron SSI Protocol is non-custodial, meaning users must be responsible for a cryptographic key in their crypto wallets: “Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins”.

The first SSI project was a smart contract, or decentralised application (dApp), for our W3C DID Method developed on the Zilliqa blockchain platform. This smart contract consists of a unique identifier, called DID, and its DID Document. We then integrated this component to build a social-recovery wallet called DIDxWALLET that owns an alias NFT domain, as well as many other functionalities incorporated in the SSI Account (which you can read in the whitepaper: Tyron SSI Protocol).

We've developed the SSI INIT DApp for SSI accounts. This Initialization and Domain Name System decentralised application is based on open-source smart contracts. All dApps developed by Tyron Coop, the developers of the SSI Protocol, have an open-source interface on This interface allows you to easily interact with your SSI Account. The Init.ssi DApp enables easy and secure management of NFT domains and efficient interaction between decentralised identities and other protocols, such as decentralised tokens (including NFTs), decentralised exchanges, and other Decentralised Finance (DeFi) applications.

The Tyron SSI DID Method is intended to secure data such as your Social Tree and digital signatures. The DIDxWALLET is a non-custodial, social-recovery wallet that enables you to own all of your cryptocurrencies and NFTs. The SSI INIT DApp manages the SSI DNS and facilitates interaction between SSI accounts and other decentralised applications on the blockchain.

To begin the second stage of the SSI Protocol implementation, known as the beta launch, the Tyron SSI Token was created in April 2022. The TYRON DApp maintains a transparent record of all transactions related to transfers and balances, as well as the burning and creation of this cryptocurrency.

<aside> ⚡ $TYRON plays a crucial role in our governing & profit-sharing community, making the project increasingly decentralised.


The fundamentals of the Tyron SSI Protocol mentioned so far are essential. Another critical feature is the decentralised decision-making process with the Xpoints.ssi DApp and the TYRON S$I Community. A quadratic voting DApp is in development to make decisions that govern the DAO.

Community affiliates on TydraDEX are SSI accounts that provide liquidity. In return, they govern and share in the profits from SSI projects. For instance, when users buy NFT domains, the DAO will distribute profits to community affiliates.

TydraDEX manages the liquidity of the Tyron SSI Token and ensures its decentralised exchange to secure the community. To ensure that most of TYRON’s circulating supply is in this DEX, Tyron Mapu was created. This entity provides transparent information services with three decentralised identities described below. In compensation for this service, it receives the corresponding TyronSSI LP tokens derived from the 5M $TYRON (50% of the total initial supply) that the DAO must gradually make available for liquidity.

Tyron Mapu CIC is registered in the UK and must comply with a specific type of legislation enacted in 2004 called the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act. This act has precise rules for protecting communities, particularly with regards to the company's assets and profits. According to the law, Tyron Mapu can only transfer its assets to another CIC or a charitable organisation. Additionally, the company must reinvest 65% of its profits back into the community. To ensure compliance with these rules, a government regulator oversees our organisation.

Tyron Mapu assumes a guiding role because the CIC embodies the values of Tyron SSI DAO related to the relational use of new technologies for the common good or Kvme Felen. The CIC aims to promote a relational use of blockchain technologies by putting them at the service of three digital identities.

Decentralised Identities of Tyron Mapu

Tyron Mapu CIC must reinvest its profits in three primary decentralised identities:

Branch SSI Account
Social injustice Inequality.ssi
Technological education Technology.ssi
Maintenance and repair of the environment Ecocide.ssi

Tree of life.jpg

Each decentralised identity is unique, but they all share the same purpose: to counteract the problems caused by humans exploiting technology to take advantage of nature. These digital identities aim to promote communal practices for social transformation, redefining our relationship with technology and nature. "Mapu" means "land/earth" in Mapuzungun, the language of the Mapuche people, a decentralised nation of regional and autonomous indigenous people in the southern part of South America.